Contact Us at (201) 274–5204

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Thank You for Sharing your Child’s Story

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The INADcure Foundation works to increase knowledge and awareness of Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (INAD), and all of our INAD families have an important role to play. We’re looking to gather as many of our children’s stories as possible for possible future use on the INADcure Foundation’s website, newsletters, social media, patient brochures, advocacy efforts, and more. INAD is a complicated neurodegenerative disorder, but these stories help us better explain what INAD is and how it impacts hundreds of children and their loved ones around the world. Every family’s journey with INAD is important to share and we thank you for sharing your story with us!

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"*" indicates required fields

Child’s Profile

Please answer the questions below as completely as you like.
Please understand that we may only use a portion of what you submit, and we cannot guarantee that every story submitted will be featured.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Your Contact Information

Please provide your contact information so we can reach out with any follow up questions.


Please answer the following questions to best of your ability.


Please submit as many photos of your child and family as you would like to share with us. The pictures that are most useful are about 2MB in size. This can be accomplished with a smartphone or camera. AT LEAST ONE IMAGE REQUIRED

Drop files here or
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, mp4, mov, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 5.

    If you are new to the INADcure Foundation and would like information on how to get involved with fundraising for INAD research, patient engagement opportunities, or INAD awareness and advocacy efforts, please click this box and someone will follow-up with more information soon.

    By filling in the form above, I am giving the INADcure Foundation permission to share the attached photos and submitted information on the INADcure Foundation website, blog, social media, brochures, newsletters, and other media. I also understand that submitting this information is not a guarantee that this story will be featured.


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