Since joining our team in 2022, Dr. Hackett has not only led but significantly propelled our gene therapy program forward, drawing upon his extensive experience in pre-clinical and translational gene therapy programs. Furthermore, under his visionary leadership, our foundation has assembled a multidisciplinary team of experts, greatly enhancing our potential to make a meaningful impact within the INAD community.
Currently holding the position of Professor of Research in Genetic Medicine at Weill-Cornell Medical College, Dr. Hackett boasts an impressive portfolio featuring 100+ scientific publications and numerous patents. His innovative contributions have led to the creation of two biotechnology companies. Additionally, he has played a pivotal role as a co-investigator in seven clinical trials, all focused on novel biological treatments for neurological disorders.
Thanks to his steadfast leadership and bolstered by the unwavering support of the INAD community, we are closer than ever to discovering an effective treatment for INAD. We are immensely grateful to have Neil Hackett on our team!